Yesterday was the start of my attempt at a garden. After a delicious Indian food brunch, and before a Vietnamese Beef Pho dinner with crispy roast pork and kids with firecrackers celebrating the New Year, new gardening things suddenly seemed imperative. A trip to Lowe's and 50 overpriced dollars later, and My Own Personal Almost Secret Agent Lover Man (aka Danny) were sitting around the dining room table filling little expanding puffs of soil with teeny tiny seeds.
Basil, Cilantro, Mint, Carrots, Onions (even though I don't really like them), Spinach, Arugula, Lettuce, Radishes, and Tomatoes (among others, but i don't remember them all).
More "After the Jump"....
Now they sit peacefully in their mini/huge little greenhouse next to the window. And here comes the waiting. And waiting. And waiting. That's the hard part; waiting for the little green bits to come out of the ground.
I've never attempted a real garden before- only assorted veggies in big pots on my old deck. Now I've got a temporary back yard, and I'm dying to turn it into a Weetzie-worthy land of beauty and self-sustained deliciousness.
Growing and eating fresh/local veggies always makes me feel so much more healthy, happy, and peaceful. Reading so many FLB books (WB, Primavera, etc), it's no wonder I feel that way.
Today was an almost productive day as well. Lots of classes and I spent most of the afternoon cleaning (something else these books inspire me to do) and trying to prettify the house with candles. Not so much homework getting done, but dinner was an awesome homemade Arroz con Pollo with Black Beans, Homemade red chile sauce, and avocado mash. Surprisingly yummy.
Not very interesting, right? Well hopefully as I discover things little by little I'll have more things to share and entertain with.
More "After the Jump"....
Now they sit peacefully in their mini/huge little greenhouse next to the window. And here comes the waiting. And waiting. And waiting. That's the hard part; waiting for the little green bits to come out of the ground.
I've never attempted a real garden before- only assorted veggies in big pots on my old deck. Now I've got a temporary back yard, and I'm dying to turn it into a Weetzie-worthy land of beauty and self-sustained deliciousness.
Growing and eating fresh/local veggies always makes me feel so much more healthy, happy, and peaceful. Reading so many FLB books (WB, Primavera, etc), it's no wonder I feel that way.
Her birds of paradise are almost as tall as she is, her ranunculus look like peonies, her fruit trees bear lemons that taste like oranges and oranges the size of grapefruits. ...No jasmine ever smelled so sweet, bathing the insides of my nostrils and mouth with its twinkling white and lavender fragrance. ...My mother wanders around the garden in the hills of Hollywood putting her ear to the cup of the petals or to the ground and, smiling mysteriously, proceeds to trim or water or fertilize each plant according to its own personal instructions. Sometimes I wake in the night and I swear I can hear the flowers in the garden singing my mother's name through the open window.
- echo
Today was an almost productive day as well. Lots of classes and I spent most of the afternoon cleaning (something else these books inspire me to do) and trying to prettify the house with candles. Not so much homework getting done, but dinner was an awesome homemade Arroz con Pollo with Black Beans, Homemade red chile sauce, and avocado mash. Surprisingly yummy.
Not very interesting, right? Well hopefully as I discover things little by little I'll have more things to share and entertain with.
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