Monday, October 24

Beautiful Foods {Recipes} :: Hibiscus Green Tea

Iced Hibiscus Green Tea
Healthy, sweet, simple.

Dried Hibiscus (also called jamaica flowers)
Green Tea (bagged or loose)

1. Boil Water.
2. Place small amount of Hibiscus flowers & Green tea leaves in mug. Or you can use a lot of both in a large pitcher to make a lot.
3. Pour boiling water over Hibiscus & tea, let steep for at least 5 minutes.
4. Strain liquid to get out the leaves and flowers (discard).
5. Add sugar or honey to your liking. Hibiscus is naturally tart.
6. Let cool.
7.  Once at or near room temperature, pour over a tall glass of ice.
8. Enjoy in the sunlight.

Add lemon juice for a hibiscus green tea lemonade blend.
If you have a Keurig or other drink machine, this is super-easy to make with one. Just get Green Tea K-Cups, put hibiscus flowers in mug before you place it under the machine, then let the tea pour right over the flowers, then let steep and follow instructions from there. I do this all the time. Just as good.

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