Sunday, March 21

Beautiful Blogs - Cannell et Vanille

As if the banner up there didn't make it clear, everything on this blog is light, pretty, and delicious. I just discovered it and added it to my follow list almost immediately.

I have to admit that I haven't sat still to read all the posts, and have mostly scanned down the page looking at the pictures. They're beautifully taken and most of them are of wonderful looking food! I mean, my eye was immediately caught by shots of Cherry Blossom Doughnuts! You can't get more Primavera/Ecstasia than that! They look delicious (i'm way too lazy to ever try to make them...) and the photos themselves are amazing.

Looking forward to following this blog. Really want to try this Arroz con Leche...

Saturday, March 20


 "-it is good for me and him
always to be in the grass lying down
feeling each other's warm
if you are a grownup
you can still
do anything
you can smell things
and look at things
and hear things upon your ears
while the wind always sings"

Today is the first day of Spring.

To celebrate, and enjoy the new high temperatures (finally) D and I went for a picnic at the uber park, and took the girls to the dog park inside.  
We were a little rushed in the morning, thanks to an impromptu night on the town last night, but luckily I prepared almost everything yesterday. 
I wanted food that was light, healthy, pretty, and delicious.
Citrus Spinach Salad (adapted a little)
Lox Sandwiches with Avocado and Cheese
Instant Iced Tea
Clementines (mostly for the pups)

"Primavera's magic spilled purely from her, and as she sang the hillside sprouted green shoots and then tight buds and from these we watched unfurl an orchestra of flowers."

Today's How To Be Happy accomplishment:: Go on a picnic with your partner and/or pet, take a blanket, something to play with, and a basket/cooler with Chicken Salad, Tomato Salad, Sparkling Grape Juice/Apple Cider, and "mushy" Hummus with veggies and pita bread. (sort of)

Happy Spring Equinox!

To Love :: Image

Stumbled onto at

Thursday, March 18

How to Be Happy, Draft 1

Run. Go out in the backyard or park on a sunny day and lay down on the grass and watch the sky. Eat something with your hands. Listen to the Spice Girls. Call your best friend. Cook something new and exotic and delicious. Play with animals. Drink champagne (with maraschino cherries) out of plastic cups while picnicking on your porch. Drink sparkling grape juice out of champagne glasses.

Learn to say 'I Love You' in a new language. Discover a new favorite actor and spend a month watching all their movies or tv shows with friends. Grow flowers on your windowsill. Open all the windows, play music, and start your spring cleaning. Listen to poetry by Shel Silverstein. Take a multi-vitamin for two weeks, see you feel any different/healthier. Learn to say "I want to play" in a new language. Smile. Go on a picnic with your partner and/or pet, take a blanket, something to play with, and a basket/cooler with Chicken Salad, Tomato Salad, Sparkling Grape Juice/Apple Cider, and "mushy" Hummus with veggies and pita bread. Learn to say I Miss You in a new language. Buy a small, inexpensive present for your partner/spouse/best
friend. Play scrabble on the floor with friends while listening to Kate Nash and The Postal Service. Make hot tea and drink it by the window.

Write a story about someone falling in love.


Re-read a book from your childhood. Watch anything with Carey Grant or Marilyn Monroe. Go out for sushi and order one expensive thing you've always wanted to try. Go swimming. Go for a bike ride. Learn how to cook your favorite food. Turn off all the lights and live by candlelight for a day. Dance. Kiss someone. Watch something kick-ass where the good guys win. Tell yourself you are awesome. Eat your favorite candy. Try something different.

Get a haircut. Wear something tacky and bright and crazy and wonderful. Paint your fingernails with rainbows. Go see a free or cheap show. Play tag at the park. Paint all your cheap furniture in bold colors. Pick flowers. Tell someone you like them, just because. Turn fabric into curtains, picnic blankets, table cloths, or sarongs. Learn how to make your favorite drink, and invite everyone over to have one. Call someone you miss. Tell someone you miss -but don't want to miss- that you miss them, in your new language so they don't know you said it. Take a walk. Find a new favorite writer. Find a new favorite coffee shop, restaurant, or park.


To Be Continued...

**ps. all photos were found online (ty stumble) and should link back to original locations upon clicking.

Monday, March 8

Lazing away already???

I know I've been lax already, but I will eventually sit down and focus. Who wants to follow a blog that only updates once a month, and half of those are excuses about why it hasn't been updated, right???

Leaving for Miami soon, a wonderful getaway from life here. Hopefully.
I'll also try to take lots of FLB like pictures and come of up with wonderful things to say. >.<